Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ include | |
▼ eos | |
▼ core | |
▼ image | |
opencv_interop.hpp | |
Pixel.hpp | |
PixelTraits.hpp | |
resize.hpp | |
utils.hpp | |
Image.hpp | |
Landmark.hpp | |
LandmarkMapper.hpp | |
math.hpp | |
Mesh.hpp | |
read_obj.hpp | |
read_pts_landmarks.hpp | |
Rect.hpp | |
write_obj.hpp | |
▼ cpp17 | |
clamp.hpp | |
optional.hpp | |
optional_serialization.hpp | |
variant.hpp | |
variant_serialization.hpp | |
▼ fitting | |
blendshape_fitting.hpp | |
ceres_nonlinear.hpp | |
closest_edge_fitting.hpp | |
contour_correspondence.hpp | |
fitting.hpp | |
FittingResult.hpp | |
linear_shape_fitting.hpp | |
multi_image_fitting.hpp | |
nonlinear_camera_estimation.hpp | |
orthographic_camera_estimation_linear.hpp | |
RenderingParameters.hpp | |
rotation_angles.hpp | |
▼ morphablemodel | |
▼ io | |
cvssp.hpp | |
eigen_cerealisation.hpp | |
mat_cerealisation.hpp | |
Blendshape.hpp | |
coefficients.hpp | |
EdgeTopology.hpp | |
ExpressionModel.hpp | |
MorphableModel.hpp | |
PcaModel.hpp | |
▼ pca | |
pca.hpp | |
▼ render | |
▼ opencv | |
draw_utils.hpp | |
draw_utils.hpp | |
FragmentShader.hpp | |
matrix_projection.hpp | |
normals.hpp | |
ProjectionType.hpp | |
Rasterizer.hpp | |
ray_triangle_intersect.hpp | |
render.hpp | |
SoftwareRenderer.hpp | This file implements a software renderer, in the spirit of OpenGL conventions and vertex and fragment shaders |
Texture.hpp | |
texture_extraction.hpp | |
transforms.hpp | |
vertex_visibility.hpp | |
VertexShader.hpp | |
▼ video | |
Keyframe.hpp | |
keyframe_merging.hpp | |