eos 1.4.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NeosNamespace containing all of eos's 3D model fitting functionality
 NcoreEssential functions and classes to work with 3D face models, meshes and landmarks
 CImageClass to represent images
 CLandmarkRepresentation of a landmark, consisting of a landmark name and coordinates of the given type. Usually, the type would be Eigen::Vector2f
 CLandmarkMapperRepresents a mapping from one kind of landmarks to a different format (e.g. model vertices)
 CMeshThis class represents a 3D mesh consisting of vertices, vertex colour information and texture coordinates
 CPixelRepresents a pixel with given type and number of channels
 CPixelTraits< Pixel< ElementType, NumChannels > >Todo
 CRectA simple type representing a rectangle
 NfittingPose and shape fitting of a 3D Morphable Model
 CContourLandmarksDefines which 2D landmarks comprise the right and left face contour
 CFittingResultA struct holding the result from a fitting
 CFrustumA class representing a camera viewing frustum. At the moment only fully tested with orthographic camera
 CModelContourDefinition of the vertex indices that define the right and left model contour
 CRenderingParametersRepresents a set of estimated model parameters (rotation, translation) and camera parameters (viewing frustum)
 NmorphablemodelFunctionality to represent a Morphable Model, its PCA models, and functions to load models and blendshapes
 CBlendshapeA class representing a 3D blendshape
 CEdgeTopologyA struct containing a 3D shape model's edge topology
 CMorphableModelA class representing a 3D Morphable Model, consisting of a shape- and colour (albedo) PCA model
 CPcaModelThis class represents a PCA-model that consists of:
 NrenderSoftware rendering and texture extraction functionality
 CExtractionFragmentShaderA fragment shader that is used to extract, or remap, texture from an image to a UV map (i.e. the reverse process of texturing)
 CTextureRepresents a texture for rendering
 CTexturingFragmentShaderA fragment shader that textures
 CVertexColoringFragmentShaderA simple fragment shader that does vertex-colouring
 CVertexShaderA simple vertex shader that projects the vertex and returns the vertex in clip-space coordinates
 NvideoVideo keyframe extraction and fusion
 CKeyframeA keyframe selected by the fitting algorithm
 CPoseBinningKeyframeSelectorA keyframe selection that selects keyframes according to yaw pose and score